TenantCity: Empowering tenants to take back their power against their landlords
TenantCity: Empowering tenants to take back their power against their landlords

Product Designer
Product Designer
Product Designer
User Research
UX/UI Design
Visual Design
User Research
UX/UI Design
Visual Design
User Research
UX/UI Design
Visual Design
Tools Used
Tools Used
Empower tenants to build power and take action against their landlords by documenting their harassment and providing resources and education on tenant rights.
Empower tenants to build power and take action against their landlords by documenting their harassment and providing resources and education on tenant rights.
Empower tenants to build power and take action against their landlords by documenting their harassment and providing resources and education on tenant rights.
An end-to-end iOS application for tenants to keep a record of the harassment they face from their landlords.
An end-to-end iOS application for tenants to keep a record of the harassment they face from their landlords.
An end-to-end iOS application for tenants to keep a record of the harassment they face from their landlords.
In June 2021, the Los Angeles City Council approved the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance (TAHO) to provide renters with additional safeguards against harassment by landlords including failing to perform necessary repairs, refusing to accept rent payment, unlawfully entering a tenant’s unit, and more. However, according to LAist, since the ordinance took place in 2021, there has been little enforcement from the city to uphold the ordinance. As of February 2024, the Los Angeles Housing Department received 10,450 harassment complaints from tenants.
In June 2021, the Los Angeles City Council approved the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance (TAHO) to provide renters with additional safeguards against harassment by landlords including failing to perform necessary repairs, refusing to accept rent payment, unlawfully entering a tenant’s unit, and more. However, according to LAist, since the ordinance took place in 2021, there has been little enforcement from the city to uphold the ordinance. As of February 2024, the Los Angeles Housing Department received 10,450 harassment complaints from tenants.
In June 2021, the Los Angeles City Council approved the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance (TAHO) to provide renters with additional safeguards against harassment by landlords including failing to perform necessary repairs, refusing to accept rent payment, unlawfully entering a tenant’s unit, and more. However, according to LAist, since the ordinance took place in 2021, there has been little enforcement from the city to uphold the ordinance. As of February 2024, the Los Angeles Housing Department received 10,450 harassment complaints from tenants.
The housing crisis is a major systemic issue in Los Angeles. Lower-income renters, immigrants, and people of color are often disproportionately affected by tenant harassment due to many economic and social factors. Many renters are unaware of their rights and feel intimidated and reluctant to assert them or report issues due to fear of retaliation or lack of understanding of the legal process. Renters in vulnerable or marginalized communities face even more challenges such as language barriers, limited access to legal resources, and more. As a result, this perpetuates a cycle of poor living conditions and unequal power dynamics in landlord-tenant relationships.
If ClassPassers want to learn about an instructor, they must rely on the app’s user-written reviews. Since ClassPass does not offer information on instructors, ClassPassers find themselves doing external research on Yelp, Google Business, Instagram, and TikTok.
How might we help ClassPassers learn about instructors who meet their fitness preferences and goals so they can feel confident and comfortable when they take their classes?
If ClassPassers want to learn about an instructor, they must rely on the app’s user-written reviews. Since ClassPass does not offer information on instructors, ClassPassers find themselves doing external research on Yelp, Google Business, Instagram, and TikTok.
How might we help ClassPassers learn about instructors who meet their fitness preferences and goals so they can feel confident and comfortable when they take their classes?
What is a typical renter's apartment-hunting journey like?
What is a typical renter's apartment-hunting journey like?
What is a typical renter's apartment-hunting journey like?
I want to learn how renters go about their apartment-hunting journey and understand what tools they use, what they look for, and the extent of the research conducted when finding the right apartment.
With this research objective in mind, I proceeded with conducting a competitive analysis to learn about the existing tools and websites in the industry helping renters achieve this goal. Secondly, I chose to speak directly to renters who have searched for an apartment, signed a lease, and moved in within the last 2 years. I also wanted to dive into renters who have had terrible experiences with their landlord, property manager, or with their building.
I want to learn how renters go about their apartment-hunting journey and understand what tools they use, what they look for, and the extent of the research conducted when finding the right apartment.
With this research objective in mind, I proceeded with conducting a competitive analysis to learn about the existing tools and websites in the industry helping renters achieve this goal. Secondly, I chose to speak directly to renters who have searched for an apartment, signed a lease, and moved in within the last 2 years. I also wanted to dive into renters who have had terrible experiences with their landlord, property manager, or with their building.
I want to learn how renters go about their apartment-hunting journey and understand what tools they use, what they look for, and the extent of the research conducted when finding the right apartment.
With this research objective in mind, I proceeded with conducting a competitive analysis to learn about the existing tools and websites in the industry helping renters achieve this goal. Secondly, I chose to speak directly to renters who have searched for an apartment, signed a lease, and moved in within the last 2 years. I also wanted to dive into renters who have had terrible experiences with their landlord, property manager, or with their building.
"How long have they been teaching? Do they have other certificates?"
How long have they been teaching? Do they have other certificates?
How long have they been teaching? Do they have other certificates?
How long have they been teaching? Do they have other certificates?
It just says their names, I don't know where else they teach. You can't search by instructor, only by studios.
It just says their names, I don't know where else they teach. You can't search by instructor, only by studios.
It just says their names, I don't know where else they teach. You can't search by instructor, only by studios.
If instructors had their own pages and it talked about their style that would be helpful.
If instructors had their own pages and it talked about their style that would be helpful.
If instructors had their own pages and it talked about their style that would be helpful.
ClassPassers are not presented with instructors' fitness backgrounds. They are looking for more information and context about an instructor.
ClassPassers are not presented with instructors' fitness backgrounds. They are looking for more information and context about an instructor.
ClassPassers are not presented with instructors' fitness backgrounds. They are looking for more information and context about an instructor.
Do you know if ClassPass allows you to see all the classes that one instructor teaches?
If I really liked someone, I want to know their schedule especially for studios that I don't go to.
An instructor I follow posted her schedule of the locations she teaches at but I don't want to follow all of my instructors just to see.
ClassPassers are unable to view an instructor's overall schedule especially if they teach at multiple locations. They are limited to viewing a studio's general schedule for a given day only.
The studio emails me the instructor's name and Instagram but they don't post anything fitness related so why follow them?
I've searched instructors on Instagram, but I won't follow because it feels too personal.
I need to feel the vibe first then I will decide if I want to follow or not.
ClassPassers are reluctant to follow instructors on Instagram because it's too personal. Though the studio will provide an instructor’s Instagram on the studio’s Instagram or website, oftentimes, the instructor’s Instagram is too personal, does not contain any fitness-related content, or is private.
They should have a sample player on their profile so we can see what music they play.
I think I've even stalked an instructor on Spotify to see if I could find their playlist.
Instructors have texted me their playlist but then I get their # and that's weird.
ClassPassers are unable to preview an instructor's music playlist before class and cannot easily access their playlist after class.
Do you know if ClassPass allows you to see all the classes that one instructor teaches?
Do you know if ClassPass allows you to see all the classes that one instructor teaches?
If I really liked someone, I want to know their schedule especially for studios that I don't go to.
If I really liked someone, I want to know their schedule, especially for studios that I don't go to.
An instructor I follow posted her schedule of the locations she teaches at but I don't want to follow all of my instructors just to see.
An instructor I follow posted her schedule of the locations she teaches at but I don't want to follow all of my instructors just to see
ClassPassers are unable to view an instructor's overall schedule especially if they teach at multiple locations. They are limited to viewing a studio's general schedule for a given day only.
ClassPassers are unable to view an instructor's overall schedule especially if they teach at multiple locations. They are limited to viewing a studio's general schedule for a given day only.
The studio emails me the instructor's name and Instagram but they don't post anything fitness related so why follow them?
The studio emails me the instructor's name and Instagram but they don't post anything fitness related so why follow them?
I've searched instructors on Instagram, but I won't follow because it feels too personal.
I've searched instructors on Instagram, but I won't follow because it feels too personal.
I need to feel the vibe first then I will decide if I want to follow or not.
I need to feel the vibe first then I will decide if I want to follow or not.
ClassPassers are reluctant to follow instructors on Instagram because it's too personal. Though the studio will provide an instructor’s Instagram on the studio’s Instagram or website, oftentimes, the instructor’s Instagram is too personal, does not contain any fitness-related content, or is private.
ClassPassers are reluctant to follow instructors on Instagram because it's too personal. Though the studio will provide an instructor’s Instagram on the studio’s Instagram or website, oftentimes, the instructor’s Instagram is too personal, does not contain any fitness-related content, or is private.
They should have a sample player on their profile so we can see what music they play.
They should have a sample player on their profile so we can see what music they play.
I think I've even stalked an instructor on Spotify to see if I could find their playlist.
I think I've even stalked an instructor on Spotify to see if I could find their playlist.
Instructors have texted me their Spotify playlist but then I get their # and that's weird. I still want their playlist but not their #.
Instructors have texted me their Spotify playlist but then I get their # and that's weird. I still want their playlist but not their #.
ClassPassers are unable to preview an instructor's music playlist before class and cannot easily access their playlist after class.
ClassPassers are unable to preview an instructor's music playlist before class and cannot easily access their playlist after class.
After understanding these users' pain points, I wanted to prioritize an instructor profile with the following items in mind:
Instructor bio with background, certifications, specialties
Instructor's comprehensive schedule especially if they teach at multiple locations
A list of the instructor's reviews from all studios
Other locations the instructor teaches at
The ability to sync their Spotify playlist to allow ClassPassers to preview their music taste and overall vibe of each class
After understanding these users' pain points, I wanted to prioritize an instructor profile with the following items in mind:
Instructor bio with background, certifications, specialties
Instructor's comprehensive schedule especially if they teach at multiple locations
A list of the instructor's reviews from all studios
Other locations the instructor teaches at
The ability to sync their Spotify playlist to allow ClassPassers to preview their music taste and overall vibe of each class
After understanding these users' pain points, I wanted to prioritize an instructor profile with the following items in mind:
Instructor bio with background, certifications, specialties
Instructor's comprehensive schedule especially if they teach at multiple locations
A list of the instructor's reviews from all studios
Other locations the instructor teaches at
The ability to sync their Spotify playlist to allow ClassPassers to preview their music taste and overall vibe of each class
Tools and websites that reveal landlord negligence and lack of accountability from the city
Tools and websites that reveal landlord negligence and lack of accountability from the city
Tools and websites that reveal landlord negligence and lack of accountability from the city
I conducted a competitive analysis of apartment-hunting websites, focusing on tools that housing activists created to help tenants as well as websites an average renter might use. I reviewed each of their strengths, weaknesses, features, unique selling propositions, and core values. Many prioritized transparency, trust, and solidarity. Others prioritized anonymity and security.
A lot of tenants have issues with their landlords
A lot of tenants have issues with their landlords
Beginning with a screener survey, I learned that 16 out of 19 participants experienced issues with their landlord or property manager. From there, I spoke to 9 renters to learn more about their experience with finding their next apartment, what kind of research they do, and what type of harassment they have experienced from their landlords.
Half of the renters did not do any additional research on their landlords after having found a desired apartment or listing. Some shared that the lack of research was due to urgency, relying on initial meetings and conversations with the landlord.
During my interviews, I wanted to learn more about the extent of the harassment they experienced from their landlords to gain a better understanding of how they felt during these experiences and how they went about reporting issues.
Beginning with a screener survey, I learned that 16 out of 19 participants experienced issues with their landlord or property manager. From there, I spoke to 9 renters to learn more about their experience with finding their next apartment, what kind of research they do, and what type of harassment they have experienced from their landlords.
Half of the renters did not do any additional research on their landlords after having found a desired apartment or listing. Some shared that the lack of research was due to urgency, relying on initial meetings and conversations with the landlord.
During my interviews, I wanted to learn more about the extent of the harassment they experienced from their landlords to gain a better understanding of how they felt during these experiences and how they went about reporting issues.
Beginning with a screener survey, I learned that 16 out of 19 participants experienced issues with their landlord or property manager. From there, I spoke to 9 renters to learn more about their experience with finding their next apartment, what kind of research they do, and what type of harassment they have experienced from their landlords.
Half of the renters did not do any additional research on their landlords after having found a desired apartment or listing. Some shared that the lack of research was due to urgency, relying on initial meetings and conversations with the landlord.
During my interviews, I wanted to learn more about the extent of the harassment they experienced from their landlords to gain a better understanding of how they felt during these experiences and how they went about reporting issues.
“I think that's kind of a problem in these big cities. They (landlords) don't need to offer that good of a service because the demand is so high for all of these properties.” -Kate
“I think that's kind of a problem in these big cities. They (landlords) don't need to offer that good of a service because the demand is so high for all of these properties.” -Kate
“I think that's kind of a problem in these big cities. They (landlords) don't need to offer that good of a service because the demand is so high for all of these properties.” -Kate
Transparency means knowing exactly what to expect from your landlord
Transparency means knowing exactly what to expect from your landlord
Transparency means knowing exactly what to expect from your landlord
After my intervietws, I learned many stories of verbal harassment, lack of communication, failure to make maintenance repairs, and disturbing tenants’ peace. I also quickly realized that these stories were not unique, and unfortunately, very commonplace.
I set out a goal to prioritize designing for folks in marginalized communities as I learned from my initial screener survey and user interviews that the renters experiencing tenant harassment were mostly BIPOC. The biggest takeaway from my user interviews is that folks did not feel safe or welcomed in their current homes. They all desired to live in a safe space they could call home and won’t be left with any kinds of surprises during their tenancy.
After my intervietws, I learned many stories of verbal harassment, lack of communication, failure to make maintenance repairs, and disturbing tenants’ peace. I also quickly realized that these stories were not unique, and unfortunately, very commonplace.
I set out a goal to prioritize designing for folks in marginalized communities as I learned from my initial screener survey and user interviews that the renters experiencing tenant harassment were mostly BIPOC. The biggest takeaway from my user interviews is that folks did not feel safe or welcomed in their current homes. They all desired to live in a safe space they could call home and won’t be left with any kinds of surprises during their tenancy.
After my intervietws, I learned many stories of verbal harassment, lack of communication, failure to make maintenance repairs, and disturbing tenants’ peace. I also quickly realized that these stories were not unique, and unfortunately, very commonplace.
I set out a goal to prioritize designing for folks in marginalized communities as I learned from my initial screener survey and user interviews that the renters experiencing tenant harassment were mostly BIPOC. The biggest takeaway from my user interviews is that folks did not feel safe or welcomed in their current homes. They all desired to live in a safe space they could call home and won’t be left with any kinds of surprises during their tenancy.

User persona
User persona
How might we help frustrated tenants dealing with harassment feel empowered to demand accountability from people in positions of power so they can challenge the structures and systems that perpetuate housing inequality and injustice?

Mid-fidelity wireframes: Navigating to the studio's list of instructors
Providing ClassPassers more flexibility when booking a class
ClassPassers currently book a class by viewing the schedule of a studio. To provide more flexibility when booking a class, I added a new CTA button right below "View schedule" on the studio screen. This new CTA button gives ClassPassers another option to book a class because it allows them to explore instructors and learn about their backgrounds first.

Mid-fidelity wireframes: Instructor profile
Optimizing the instructor profile page
After talking to users and conducting a competitive analysis, I had the following 5 items to work with when designing an instructor's profile, their bio, schedule, reviews, location, and playlist. I thought a tab navigation design pattern would provide a clear visual indication and would make the content easy, and accessible, and empower the user to choose what they want to learn about an instructor.
Prioritizing tenants first and foremost
Prioritizing tenants first and foremost
Prioritizing tenants first and foremost
After getting a taste of what tools and websites are in the renters’ space, I began coming up with some ideas that would address their frustrations. I also brainstormed ideas on how I can help educate tenants and empower them to take legal action if they decide that is the best path for them.
I used the MoSCow method to strategize three features to prioritize that would help answer my HMW question of “How might we help frustrated tenants dealing with harassment feel empowered to demand accountability from people in positions of power so they can challenge the structures and systems that perpetuate housing inequality and injustice?”
How to log harassment
Leave a comment on a community post
Read a blog post
Icons were similar enough where this feature felt like it fit in nicely.
I would actually enjoy this feature if it were a real one on ClassPass and be more encouraged to check out more instructors.
Cool addition and clean user interface.
Looks very streamlined as if it were already part of the product.
I thought it was great and a feature I'd really enjoy to have on ClassPass.
4 out of 6 users shared that they enjoyed this new feature
3 out of 6 users stated that the new feature fit nicely into the existing user interface
Organize list of instructor avatars in ABC order so I can scan and find certain instructors more easily.
Expected instructors to be in alphabetical order.
2 out of 6 users expected the instructors to be in alphabetical order
Looks like a ClassPass add-on. It has the same schedule structure. I love seeing where she teaches.
The schedule tab is helpful. I get tired of scrolling.
I like that you can see the classes very easily on the schedule tab.
3 out of 6 users liked the schedule tab that displays only the single instructor's overall schedule
What to improve
There's no clear visual to indicate what tab I'm on.
1 out of 6 users mentioned that there was not a clear visual indication of what tab they were viewing
Digitizing the way tenants document harassment
Digitizing the way tenants document harassment
Prioritizing user feedback into final iterations
The main feature I prioritized designing was giving tenants the ability to document events of harassment. I created a task flow that helped me map out the steps a user would take to complete this task. I imagined a tenant would upload photos, add descriptions and notes to their photos, and perhaps categorize these events into specific folders, or the “type” of events.
The main feature I prioritized designing was giving tenants the ability to document events of harassment. I created a task flow that helped me map out the steps a user would take to complete this task. I imagined a tenant would upload photos, add descriptions and notes to their photos, and perhaps categorize these events into specific folders, or the “type” of events.
The main feature I prioritized designing was giving tenants the ability to document events of harassment. I created a task flow that helped me map out the steps a user would take to complete this task. I imagined a tenant would upload photos, add descriptions and notes to their photos, and perhaps categorize these events into specific folders, or the “type” of events.

Laying out a solid foundation to help with structure before wireframing
Laying out a solid foundation to help with structure before wireframing
Fun facts about your fitness instructor right at your finger tips
Before I began sketching out screens of what I wanted to design, I made sure I used language that was clear, straightforward, and reflected users’ real life experiences. I built out a sitemap with the 3 main features I would design:
Home page that defaulted to the Community feature where users could connect with their neighbors and other community members
Before I began sketching out screens of what I wanted to design, I made sure I used language that was clear, straightforward, and reflected users’ real life experiences. I built out a sitemap with the 3 main features I would design:
Home page that defaulted to the Community feature where users could connect with their neighbors and other community members
How users will log events of harassment
How users will log events of harassment
How users will log events of harassment
I sketched out a couple of screens that the user will interact with while completing the task of logging an event of harassment. I imagine users will want to categorize different types of harassment they are dealing with. For example, some users may be dealing with harassment from their landlord about rodent issues and eviction notices at the same time.
I sketched out an initial page of “cases” where the user can select the category (i.e., rodent issues, eviction notices, etc). From there, users can begin to keep an ongoing log of instances of harassment from their landlord while adding a description, dates, and files.
I sketched out a couple of screens that the user will interact with while completing the task of logging an event of harassment. I imagine users will want to categorize different types of harassment they are dealing with. For example, some users may be dealing with harassment from their landlord about rodent issues and eviction notices at the same time.
I sketched out an initial page of “cases” where the user can select the category (i.e., rodent issues, eviction notices, etc). From there, users can begin to keep an ongoing log of instances of harassment from their landlord while adding a description, dates, and files.
I sketched out a couple of screens that the user will interact with while completing the task of logging an event of harassment. I imagine users will want to categorize different types of harassment they are dealing with. For example, some users may be dealing with harassment from their landlord about rodent issues and eviction notices at the same time.
I sketched out an initial page of “cases” where the user can select the category (i.e., rodent issues, eviction notices, etc). From there, users can begin to keep an ongoing log of instances of harassment from their landlord while adding a description, dates, and files.

Feature 1: Lo-fi wireframe

Feature 1: Mid-fidelity wireframe
A safe space where users can build community and advocate for one another
A safe space where users can build community and advocate for one another
A safe space where users can build community and advocate for one another
It was important for me to include a feature that allowed tenants to connect with other tenants in their building and/or neighborhood. This would create opportunities to build community and tenant power where folks can educate, support, and advocate for one another. As a result, tenants can feel empowered to take action, create change, and make an impact in the housing department.
I envisioned a timeline design similar to X and TikTok, a “Trending” page where users can see what other tenants are talking about and a “Community” page where users get updates from community groups they have joined and can stay in the loop of any recent news. I imagine some users may fear posting comments or creating posts with their real name so I want to give them the option to post anonymously, protecting their identity and privacy from landlords and others.
It was important for me to include a feature that allowed tenants to connect with other tenants in their building and/or neighborhood. This would create opportunities to build community and tenant power where folks can educate, support, and advocate for one another. As a result, tenants can feel empowered to take action, create change, and make an impact in the housing department.
I envisioned a timeline design similar to X and TikTok, a “Trending” page where users can see what other tenants are talking about and a “Community” page where users get updates from community groups they have joined and can stay in the loop of any recent news. I imagine some users may fear posting comments or creating posts with their real name so I want to give them the option to post anonymously, protecting their identity and privacy from landlords and others.
It was important for me to include a feature that allowed tenants to connect with other tenants in their building and/or neighborhood. This would create opportunities to build community and tenant power where folks can educate, support, and advocate for one another. As a result, tenants can feel empowered to take action, create change, and make an impact in the housing department.
I envisioned a timeline design similar to X and TikTok, a “Trending” page where users can see what other tenants are talking about and a “Community” page where users get updates from community groups they have joined and can stay in the loop of any recent news. I imagine some users may fear posting comments or creating posts with their real name so I want to give them the option to post anonymously, protecting their identity and privacy from landlords and others.

Feature 2: Lo-fi wireframe

Feature 2: Mid-fi wireframe
Accessible content that educates and empowers tenants
Accessible content that educates and empowers tenants
Accessible content that educates and empowers tenants
I want to design an educational feature that is digestible and accessible for users to learn about tenant rights, how to take legal action, and more. I imagine this type of content could engage users and provide some relief from some heavier emotions they could be dealing with concerning their current situation such as confusion, stress, and overwhelm.
This feature is simply a collection of blog posts and users can engage by liking, saving, and sharing posts. Users can also search keywords and find content that is relatable to what they want to learn more about.
I want to design an educational feature that is digestible and accessible for users to learn about tenant rights, how to take legal action, and more. I imagine this type of content could engage users and provide some relief from some heavier emotions they could be dealing with concerning their current situation such as confusion, stress, and overwhelm.
This feature is simply a collection of blog posts and users can engage by liking, saving, and sharing posts. Users can also search keywords and find content that is relatable to what they want to learn more about.
I want to design an educational feature that is digestible and accessible for users to learn about tenant rights, how to take legal action, and more. I imagine this type of content could engage users and provide some relief from some heavier emotions they could be dealing with concerning their current situation such as confusion, stress, and overwhelm.
This feature is simply a collection of blog posts and users can engage by liking, saving, and sharing posts. Users can also search keywords and find content that is relatable to what they want to learn more about.

Feature 3: Lo-fi wireframe

Feature 3: Hi-fi wireframe
Centering and prioritizing tenants and their needs
Centering and prioritizing tenants and their needs
Centering and prioritizing tenants and their needs
I want to create a brand with the following values: accountability, community, connection, and empowerment. With my brand values in mind, I decided on shades of teal to invoke truth, open communication, connection, and calmness. Since users are experiencing unfair treatment from their landlords and needs support, I think they would be able to connect with these brand values and qualities.
The logo I designed is a play on city landscape and community members. Additionally, the brand name is a play on the word “tenacity” meaning persistence, resilience, and an unwavering pursuit of a goal despite challenges and obstacles.
I want to create a brand with the following values: accountability, community, connection, and empowerment. With my brand values in mind, I decided on shades of teal to invoke truth, open communication, connection, and calmness. Since users are experiencing unfair treatment from their landlords and needs support, I think they would be able to connect with these brand values and qualities.
The logo I designed is a play on city landscape and community members. Additionally, the brand name is a play on the word “tenacity” meaning persistence, resilience, and an unwavering pursuit of a goal despite challenges and obstacles.
I want to create a brand with the following values: accountability, community, connection, and empowerment. With my brand values in mind, I decided on shades of teal to invoke truth, open communication, connection, and calmness. Since users are experiencing unfair treatment from their landlords and needs support, I think they would be able to connect with these brand values and qualities.
The logo I designed is a play on city landscape and community members. Additionally, the brand name is a play on the word “tenacity” meaning persistence, resilience, and an unwavering pursuit of a goal despite challenges and obstacles.

A way for tenants to feel empowered to take action against their predatory landlords
A way for tenants to feel empowered to take action against their predatory landlords
A way for tenants to feel empowered to take action against their predatory landlords
After finalizing the direction of the brand, I put together hi-fidelity screens for my three main flows.
After finalizing the direction of the brand, I put together hi-fidelity screens for my three main flows.
After finalizing the direction of the brand, I put together hi-fidelity screens for my three main flows.
Logging harassment

Finding and building community

Reading blog posts

I began testing the main feature of the app which is to log events of tenant harassment. I quickly learned that users had completely different mental models of the words “case.” My intention was to categorize different events of tenant harassment under one “case.” In my usability tests, users assumed “case” was related to a legal case they may have filed with the city.
For the “Learn” feature, users were confused about the function of the top three icons, Glossary, Tenant Rights, and Resources. A few users said they didn’t look like buttons and weren’t sure they were clickable.
I began testing the main feature of the app which is to log events of tenant harassment. I quickly learned that users had completely different mental models of the words “case.” My intention was to categorize different events of tenant harassment under one “case.” In my usability tests, users assumed “case” was related to a legal case they may have filed with the city.
For the “Learn” feature, users were confused about the function of the top three icons, Glossary, Tenant Rights, and Resources. A few users said they didn’t look like buttons and weren’t sure they were clickable.
I began testing the main feature of the app which is to log events of tenant harassment. I quickly learned that users had completely different mental models of the words “case.” My intention was to categorize different events of tenant harassment under one “case.” In my usability tests, users assumed “case” was related to a legal case they may have filed with the city.
For the “Learn” feature, users were confused about the function of the top three icons, Glossary, Tenant Rights, and Resources. A few users said they didn’t look like buttons and weren’t sure they were clickable.
Final changes
Final changes
Final changes
Logging harassment
Logging harassment
Logging harassment
I implemented some copy changes to streamline the user experience. My Residence was changed to My Homes. Case was changed to issue. I also redesigned how images would be displayed when adding a new activity to an issue.
I implemented some copy changes to streamline the user experience. My Residence was changed to My Homes. Case was changed to issue. I also redesigned how images would be displayed when adding a new activity to an issue.
I implemented some copy changes to streamline the user experience. My Residence was changed to My Homes. Case was changed to issue. I also redesigned how images would be displayed when adding a new activity to an issue.

I implemented some copy changes to streamline the user experience. My Residence was changed to My Homes. Case was changed to issue. I also redesigned how images would be displayed when adding a new activity to an issue.
I implemented some copy changes to streamline the user experience. My Residence was changed to My Homes. Case was changed to issue. I also redesigned how images would be displayed when adding a new activity to an issue.
I implemented some copy changes to streamline the user experience. My Residence was changed to My Homes. Case was changed to issue. I also redesigned how images would be displayed when adding a new activity to an issue.
Reading blog posts
Reading blog posts
Reading blog posts
I decided to design the previous Glossary, Tenant Rights, and Resources as content cards just like the blog posts and title this category as Start here to let the user know the content in this category could be useful to read about before diving into blog posts.
I decided to design the previous Glossary, Tenant Rights, and Resources as content cards just like the blog posts and title this category as Start here to let the user know the content in this category could be useful to read about before diving into blog posts.
I decided to design the previous Glossary, Tenant Rights, and Resources as content cards just like the blog posts and title this category as Start here to let the user know the content in this category could be useful to read about before diving into blog posts.